"Life may not be the party you hoped for, but while you're here, might as well dance"

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reply to Alicia

Dear Alicia,
This is Maxine, our love can not be true. I understand we have been close for so long, but I never really liked you. It was only always meant just as friends. I know I've said I've loved you since a few years ago, however I only need a friend and I dont need a girlfriend. I have a boyfriend and he is doing just fine taking care of me. Stop being so close to my mom and texting her, it will just make it harder because I am breaking up with you. Anyways, thankyou for all the times you gave me and I appreciate your friendship while it lasted.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

my love

The reasons I love you...
I love you because of the times we've shared since 3rd grade.
You have always been there for me. I especially love our "girl's nights" and when we go out to find some eye candy!I love how we always laugh no matter if it's funny or not. I love that we can talk as fast as we want and nobody knows what we are talking about but us. I love how we call the other's mom, "mom". I love when you say things and dont care what anyone thinks. We go back so far and I can't wait till we are old ladies chasing each other around the nursing home in our wheel chairs. I am really excited to have you as a maid of honor in my wedding and when my husband is not there, I know you will be there for me!
Love you Alicia!!